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Annotated discography
Dick & Mimi's LPs |
Vanguard : TwoFers |
Vanguard collector's guide : singles |
Vanguard LPs, 1960-1969 |
Vanguard labels |
Elektra : selected discography |
Selected contemporary discography

Dick & Mimi's LPs
Celebrations for a grey day, Vanguard VRS-9174/VSD-79174 (April 1965)
Singer songwriter project, Elektra EKL-299/EKS-7299 (1965)
Reflections in a crystal wind, Vanguard VRS-9204/VSD-79204 (November 1965)
Memories, Vanguard VSD-79263 (1968)
The best of Mimi & Richard Fariña, Vanguard VSD-21/22 (1971)